Dark-Purpled Iris

Silver Medal, 999 Proof, ½ oz, 50 mm

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Issuing Year 2020
Material Silver
Fineness 999
Weight ½ oz.
Diameter 50 mm
Max Mintage 3,600
Design Aharon Shevo

Dark-Purpled Iris (Iris Atropurpurea)
Eighth in the "Flowers of Israel" Series

Out of the eight species of Irises that grow in Israel, the dark-purple Iris is the only one characteristic of the Sharon and Shefelah in the center of Israel. The areas in which it flowers have become tourist attractions.

The flower consists of three "tunnels", each containing a stigma and stamen with abundant pollen. The flowers lack nectar and are pollinated by about a dozen different species of solitary male bees. The male bees lodge in the flower by night, when pollen rubs off onto their bodies. They then transfer the pollen to another flower, the next night.

Solitary female bees and honey bees that collect pollen and contribute to pollination also visit the flowers. In actual fact, the neighboring flowers of the dark-purpled Iris contribute nectar as nourishment for the bees and pollen that is collected by the female bees to help sustain the offsprings. Thus, while the Iris offers no reward in return, its pollination is subsidized.

*The above texts are based on: Amots Dafni and Noam Avitsel, Mi-Koter ve-ud Tsamereth – 200 Millim al 200 Tsemachim (in Hebrew) (Haifa: Pardes Publishers, 2018)

Design: Aharon Shevo

Face: A beautiful flower depiction in full color. Around the border, the name of the flower in English and Hebrew. To the right, the Holy Land Mint trademark , to the left the weight, metal fineness and mint year.
Common Reverse: A variety of flowers.

Issue Name: Flowers of Israel

Series Name: Flowers in Israel

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