Accessibility of Customers in Stores and On Line

The ISRAEL COINS & MEDALS CORPORATION (ICMC) , of the G.R.A.S. GROUP, maintains a number of its chain stores in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Beersheba and Nesher.
Ms. Tovi Rotem has been appointed as Coordinator of Accessibility for the ICMC & G.R.A.S. and has undergone training and been approved by the Israel Accessibility Organization for that purpose.
Ms. Rotem may be contacted directly: On line at
By phone at (972) 076-8889300 (during office hours 08:00-16:00 - Israel Time)
By fax at (972) 04-8313730, By mail at G.R.A.S. Design Combinations, Ltd, 50 Bar Yehuda Rd., Nesher 3666017

Furthermore, all store employees have undergone training in accessibility, with emphasis on aid and facilities which have been installed in the stores for customers with handicaps or disabilities. Store employees' training includes how to identify special needs and to provide the necessary assistance and accessibility. Each store also has been provided with a booklet describing and explaining various disabilities and handicaps and the aids and assistance/accessibility provided to such customers, in accordance with the specific physical needs and requirements of the customer in question.

Customers with hearing disabilities have store access to amplified hearing devices (Loop Hear 155), which include ear phones and microphones, to be used by customer and store employee. These devices, in order to be functional, must be used with hearing aids in the "T" position. In addition, in each store, prominently visible and displayed, there is a sign indicating that assistance in hearing accessibility is provided with a hearing device and that the wearer's hearing aid should be in the "T" position. Store employees have undergone special training in the use of these hearing devices.

This information is located both in the stores and online at the company site,


Website Accessibility

This website complies with the Equal Rights for People with Disabilities (Adjustments for Access to Service) Regulations 2013.

Accessibility adjustments have been made in accordance with Israeli Standard 5568 recommendations for access of information on the Internet, at level AA, and the international Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG2.0).

While every endeavor has been made to provide accessibility to all areas of the website, some sections of the website may not yet be accessible.

Israel Coins and Medals Corp. (ICMC) continues  to strive towards improving accessibility to its website as part of its commitment to enabling use of it by everyone, including people with disabilities.

Standardization – ICMC's website is supported by the most updated versions of the current main browsers, as well as cellular phones.

Structure – The website structure is based on easy and clear navigation with menus formed by lists, enabling easy and quick orientation.

Content: ICMC provides information in a simple and clearly understandable form.

Adjustment of Web Page Size – Users with visual impairments, who wish to enlarge the website display, can do this by clicking simultaneously on the "Ctrl" and "+" (Control and Plus) keys. Clicking on these two keys will enlarge the display by 10%. Display will be reduced in size by clicking simultaneously on the "Ctrl" and "-" (Control and Minus) keys.

Operation of Website using Keyboard – Users who have difficulty in working with a mouse can operate the website using a keyboard. The TAB key can be used to move between links on the page. The ENTER key is used to open a link and the ESC key to leave menus and windows.

Assistive Technology Support – This website is an accessible website adapted for viewing by people with disabilities and enables screen reading software support. To ensure accessibility to the contents of the website, the site has been tested by NVDA screen reading software.