Persian Cyclamen

Silver Medal, 999 Proof, ½ oz, 50 mm

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Issuing Year 2019
Material Silver
Fineness 999
Weight ½ oz.
Diameter 50 mm
Max Mintage 3,600
Design Aharon Shevo

Persian Cyclamen (Cyclamen Persicum)
Second in the "Flowers of Israel" Series

Cyclamen flowers sprout leaves after the first rains and start to bloom in winter. In hilly areas, the blossoming season can last until May. There are special cyclamen populations that grow in rocky areas in Israel's north, which seem to herald the start of the rainy season.
The cyclamen has as many as 32 names in Arabic (among them, "Rabbits Ears", "Solomon's Crown", "Judge's Pipe", "Pair of Lovebirds", "Horn of the Gazelle").
The Cyclamen bulbs contain soapy substances that help in lowering facial pressure and in removing stains from cloth. For this reason, they were used in the past as a soap substitute, particularly by shepherds, and known as "Soap of the Shepherds ". The bulbs are also used for fishing bait which "drugs" the fishes and causes them to float, thus enabling the fishermen to collect them. This explains the origin of another of the cyclamen's names in Arabic – "Anesthetic of the Whale".

*The above texts are based on: Amots Dafni and Noam Avitsel, Mi-Koter ve-ud Tsamereth – 200 Millim al 200 Tsemachim (in Hebrew) (Haifa: Pardes Publishers, 2018)

Design: Aharon Shevo

Face: A beautiful flower depiction in full color. Around the border, the name of the flower in English and Hebrew. To the right, the Holy Land Mint trademark , to the left the weight, metal fineness and mint year.
Common Reverse: A variety of flowers.

Issue Name: Flowers of Israel

Series Name: Flowers in Israel

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Issuing Year Material Weight Name Quantity
73080500 50 mm 2019 Silver 999 8 x 1/2 oz. x x
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23084500 50 mm 2020 Silver .999 ½ oz. Common Caper 3,600
23085500 50 mm 2020 Silver .999 ½ oz. Crown Daisy 1,800
23086500 50 mm 2020 Silver .999 ½ oz. Steven's Meadow Saffron 1,800
23087500 50 mm 2020 Silver .999 ½ oz. Dark-Purpled Iris 3,600
23082500 50 mm 2019 Silver .999 ½ oz. Common Narcissus 1,800
23081500 50 mm 2019 Silver .999 ½ oz. Persian Cyclamen 3,600
23080500 50 mm 2019 Silver .999 ½ oz. Poppy Anemone 3,600