
Silver 999, 50 mm, ½ oz

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Issuing Year 2018
Material Silver
Fineness 999
Weight ½ oz.
Diameter 50 mm
Max Mintage 3600
Design Igal Gabay

VULTURE (Gyps fulvus)

Third in the "Birds of Israel" Series

The Griffon vulture, a large bird of prey, nests in mountainous areas on cliff ledges. Gamla, on a steep slope in northern Israel, site of an ancient Jewish city and today a nature reserve, has the largest vulture colony in Israel. Vultures also nest in the hills of the Golan Heights, Upper Galilee, Judean and Negev deserts. With a wingspan of up to 2.5 meters, the Griffon vulture soars to great heights in search of food, feeding on carcasses of dead animals.

The "nesher", as the vulture is called in Hebrew, was common in the Land of Israel in biblical times and is mentioned 26 times in the bible. While there used to be thousands of Griffon Vultures in Israel, today it is an endangered species and only 70 breeding pairs remain. Much effort is being invested at present towards restoring the vulture population in Israel.

Design: Igal Gabay


Obverse: A vulture flying over a rocky cliff.

Common Reverse of the Series: The Land of Israel at the center of the world as seen from a satellite map. Around the border, the angles and directions of a compass, symbolizing the "inner compass" of birds that directs them to the Land of Israel.

Issue Name: Birds of Israel

Series Name: Birds Of Israel

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Issue Price Issuing Year Material Quantity Weight
23022500 50 mm Unavailable Info 2017 Silver 999 3600 ½ oz
23023500 50 mm Unavailable Info 2017 Silver 999 3600 ½ oz
23024500 50 mm Unavailable Info 2018 Silver 999 3600 ½ oz
23025500 50 mm Unavailable Info 2018 Silver 999 3600 ½ oz
23026500 50 mm Unavailable Info 2018 Silver 999 3600 ½ oz
23027500 50 mm Unavailable Info 2018 Silver 999 3600 ½ oz
23028500 50 mm Unavailable Info 2018 Silver 999 3600 ½ oz
23029500 50 mm Unavailable Info 2018 Silver 999 3600 ½ oz
73022500 x x x x x x