Fifth International Bible Contest

59mm Bronze

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Issuing Year 1981
Material Bronze
Fineness Tombac
Weight 98 gr
Diameter 59.0 mm
Max Mintage 2,661
Design Gideon Kaich, Asaf Berg

The Fifth International Bible Contest
State Medal, 5741-1981

After a lapse of twelve years, the International Bible Contest for adults was reinstated and the fifth one took place in Israel in September 1981. The Bible contests are intended to bring together men and women from various nations, faiths and professions who revere both the Bible and its studies, The fifth contest drew representatives from thirty-two countries. The contest will now take place regularly, once every four years.

Obverse: An oil lamp representing the man "who burns the midnight oil" while studying. The citation "And they understood the reading of the Bible" together with the source (Nehemiah 8:8) in Hebrew and English.

Reverse: A verse prophetically foreseeing people of sundry nations coming to Jerusalem "Many peoples of many languages, will come to Jerusalem to seek the Lord" Zachariah 8:22, 1 -23, appears in Hebrew and English. Around the rim, the legend "Fifth International Bible Contest, 5741" in Hebrew with the English translation bearing the date 1981.

Edge: The State emblem and the words "State of Israel" in Hebrew and English.

Serialization: All the medals are numbered.

Designer: Obverse - Gideon Kaich. Reverse - Asaf Berg

Engraving: Moshe Nov.

Mint: Kretschmer.

Issue Name: 5th International Bible Contest

Series Name: Memorials & Commemorative

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Issue Price Issuing Year Material Quantity Weight
15077591 59.0 mm 56 Shekels 1981 Bronze Tombac 2661 98 gr