Second International Bible Contest

59mm Bronze

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Issuing Year 1962
Material Bronze
Fineness Tombac
Weight 98 gr
Diameter 59.0 mm
Max Mintage 2,257
Design Rothschild and Lippmann ("Roli")

Second International Bible Contest
State Medal, 5722-1962

The Bible is the foundation of Jewish culture. The Mishnah is based upon the Bible and later the Talmud. The Midrashic literature, originating during the Second Commonwealth Era, draws its texts from the Bible. The Bible has had tremendous influence upon Christian culture as well. It has been translated into two hundred languages and some individual books of the Bible have been translated into a thousand tongues and dialects. Social reformers have drawn inspiration from it, citing its verses. In Israel specific periods have been set for the International Bible Contests.

Obverse: On the right a replica of a jar containing the Dead Sea Scrolls. On the left, an ancient scroll. Above, the State emblem. On the rim, an inscription in Hebrew "The Second International Bible Contest Jerusalem 5722" followed by the French translation, the date being 1961.

Reverse: An antique Jewish oil lamp showing the seven-branched candelabra in relief. Above, the verse "Oh how I love thy law" (Psalms 119.97). In a semi-circle, above, the same verse in ancient Greek based upon the septuagint.

Edge: The State emblem and the words "State of Israel" in Hebrew and English. The silver medals bear the word "Silver 935" in Hebrew or "Sterling" in English.

Serialization: The silver 59 mm medals are numbered. 1300 have been minted, 140 have been melted.

Designer: Rothschild and Lippmann ("Roli").

Engraving: Kretschmer.

Mint: Kretschmer.

Issue Name: 2nd International Bible Contest

Series Name: Memorials & Commemorative

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Issue Price Issuing Year Material Quantity Weight
25013353 35.0 mm 20 IL 1962 Silver/935 1906 30 gr
25013599 59.0 mm 75 IL 1962 Silver/935 1143 110 gr
15013597 59.0 mm 12 IL 1962 Bronze Tombac 2257 98 gr