Butterflies of Israel Set

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Issuing Year 2019
Material Silver
Fineness 999
Weight ½ oz.
Diameter 50 mm
Max Mintage 3,600
Design Meir Eshel


Israel's location at the meeting point of three zoological regions creates a rich wildlife, which includes butterflies. There are about 140 different kinds of butterflies in Israel from Eilat in the south to the Hermon in the north. Butterflies lay their eggs on host plants which are to ensure food for the lavae and the continuity of the generations. The life cycle of butterflies is an amazing phenomenon of nature.

Butterflies have come to be a symbol of beauty and liberty. Their alluring colors and beauty together with their graceful movements create inspiration for artists.

Israel Coins and Medals Corp. proudly presents eight beautiful butterflies of Israel in full color on pure silver, half-ounce, 50mm diameter. We welcome you to join us in a unique visit to the wonderful world of butterflies!

Plain Tiger (Danaus chrysippus) - First in the "Butterflies of Israel" Series
The Plain Tiger butterfly is common in Israel throughout the year, particularly in the warm, moist areas around the Dead Sea. In summer, it migrates northwards and its mass migration in the Agamon Hula Nature Park in the north of Israel is an amazing sight. A big butterfly with an 8-centimeter wingspan, it has bright orange and yellow-colored wings, decorated with white-spotted black borders. The female deposits its eggs on the leaves of milkweeds, its host plant.

Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus) - Second in the "Butterflies of Israel" Series
The Common Blue is a small butterfly with a 3.5 centimeter wingspan, common in temperate regions. In Israel it is found near to the Mediterranean from March to November. The male is blue-colored, while the colors of the female are more brownish. The male guards its territory, driving away intruders. The female deposits its eggs on leaves of a large genus of perennial herbs known as Ononis.

Lesser Fiery Copper (Lycaena thersamon) - Third in the "Butterflies of Israel" Series
The Lesser Fiery Copper is one of the most beautiful fiery-colored butterflies in Israel. A small butterfly with a 3cm wingspan, it is found throughout the year except in winter, in the area close to the Mediterranean and southwards as far as the Negev Desert.

Lesser Spotted Fritillary (Melitaea trivia syriaca) - Fourth in the "Butterflies of Israel" Series
With its 3.5cm wingspan, black-spotted orange wings, the Lesser Spotted Fritillary butterfly is found in Israel from March to November. In warmer areas, it produces a number of generations in a year, in cooler areas, only one.

Long-Tailed Blue (Lampides boeticus) - Fifth in the "Butterflies of Israel" Series
The Long-Tailed Blue butterfly is outstanding for its beautiful blue color. Common in Israel throughout most of the year and in most areas, its wingspan measures 3.5 cm. The male guards the territory and drives away any intruders.

Swallowtail (Papilio machaon) - Sixth in the "Butterflies of Israel" Series
The Swallowtail is an attractively colored big butterfly. It belongs to a family that includes some of the most beautiful butterflies of the world. Its name is derived from its long back wings that are tail-shaped. Common in Israel, particularly in more hilly regions from March to November, it has an 8cm wingspan and is capable of raising 5 generations in a year.

Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) - Seventh in the "Butterflies of Israel" Series
The pretty Painted Lady Butterfly has an excellent migratory ability and for this reason is one of the most common butterflies of the world. Flexible in its choice of host plants and with larvae able to defend themselves well against enemies, it is able to produce several generations in a year.

Levantine Marbled White (Melanargia titea) - Eighth in the "Butterflies of Israel" Series
The Levantine Marbled White butterfly is common only in the Mediterranean region, from south Turkey to Israel. In Israel, it is found in the area close to the Mediterranean Sea from April to June.

Face: A beautiful butterfly depiction in full color on a background of flowers. Around the border, the name of the butterfly in English and Hebrew. To the right, the Holy Land Mint trademark , below the weight, metal fineness and mint year.
Common Reverse: A variety of butterflies fluttering around flowers.

Issue Name: Butterflies of Israel

Series Name: Butterflies of Israel

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Issuing Year Material Name Quantity Weight
23059500 50 mm 2019 Silver .999 Levantine Marbled White 3,600 ½ oz.
23058500 50 mm 2019 Silver .999 Painted Lady 3,600 ½ oz.
23056500 50 mm 2019 Silver .999 Swallowtail 3,600 ½ oz.
23054500 50 mm 2018 Silver .999 Common Blue 3,600 ½ oz.
23060500 50 mm 2018 Silver .999 Lesser Fiery Copper 3,600 ½ oz.
23057500 50 mm 2019 Silver .999 Long-Tailed Blue 3,600 ½ oz.
23055500 50 mm 2018 Silver .999 Lesser Spotted Fritillary 3,600 ½ oz.
23053500 50 mm 2018 Silver .999 Plain Tiger 3,600 ½ oz.
73053500 50 mm 2019 Silver .999 Butterflies of Israel 3,600 ½ oz.