Common Blue

Silver Medal, 999 Proof, ½ oz, 50 mm

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Issuing Year 2018
Material Silver
Fineness 999
Weight ½ oz.
Diameter 50 mm
Max Mintage 3,600
Design Meir Eshel

Common Blue (Polyommatus Icarus)
Second in the "Butterflies of Israel" Series

The Common Blue is a small butterfly with a 3.5 centimeter wingspan, common in temperate regions. In Israel it is found near to the Mediterranean from March to November. The male is blue-colored, while the colors of the female are more brownish. The male guards its territory, driving away intruders. The female deposits its eggs on leaves of a large genus of perennial herbs known as Ononis.

Israel's location at the meeting point of three zoological regions creates a rich wildlife, which includes butterflies have come to be a symbol of beauty and liberty. Their alluring colors and beauty together with their graceful movements create inspiration for artists.

Design: Meir Eshel

Face: A beautiful butterfly depiction in full color on a background of flowers. Around the border, the name of the butterfly in English and Hebrew. To the right, the Holy Land Mint trademark , below the weight, metal fineness and mint year.
Common Reverse: A variety of butterflies fluttering around flowers.

Issue Name: Butterflies of Israel

Series Name: Butterflies of Israel

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Issuing Year Material Name Quantity Weight
23059500 50 mm 2019 Silver .999 Levantine Marbled White 3,600 ½ oz.
23058500 50 mm 2019 Silver .999 Painted Lady 3,600 ½ oz.
23056500 50 mm 2019 Silver .999 Swallowtail 3,600 ½ oz.
23054500 50 mm 2018 Silver .999 Common Blue 3,600 ½ oz.
23060500 50 mm 2018 Silver .999 Lesser Fiery Copper 3,600 ½ oz.
23057500 50 mm 2019 Silver .999 Long-Tailed Blue 3,600 ½ oz.
23055500 50 mm 2018 Silver .999 Lesser Spotted Fritillary 3,600 ½ oz.
23053500 50 mm 2018 Silver .999 Plain Tiger 3,600 ½ oz.
73053500 50 mm 2019 Silver .999 Butterflies of Israel 3,600 ½ oz.