Tree of Life

Silver 999, 38.7 mm, 1 oz.

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Issuing Year 2013
Material Silver
Fineness 999
Weight 1 oz.
Diameter 38.7 mm
Max Mintage Unavailable Info
Design Meir Eshel


Khirbat al-Mafjar consists of a group of ruins of royal buildings from the time of Hisham, an important Caliph from the Umayyah Dynasty (8th century). The site is located on the northern bank of Wadi Nwemeh, two kilometers north of Jericho.

At the site, an estate or hunting lodge has been discovered, that stretches over an area of about 1.5km, with three main buildings, a splendid bath, mosque and palace with courtyard between them. The courtyard had a gate to the south and was surrounded by rooms or stables. In its center was an octagonal stone building with a pool and fountain. Water was brought to the site by means of a 4km-long aqueduct.

The bath was built first and, when completed, put into use. This and the two other constructions were destroyed in an earthquake (probably in the year 746). The whole site was full of beautiful mosaics, the most impressive being the bath mosaic. Most of the mosaics which were preserved almost entirely bear designs consisting of geometric shapes. The mosaic discovered at one end of the reception room to the bath was an exception; this mosaic floor was also decorated with geometric shapes but it was laid on a slightly raised platform and was one of the most magnificent mosaics in the estate, depicting a tree with rich foliage and fruits. On either side of the tree trunk, were animals. To the left, which is the fragment of the mosaic that appears on the medal, are two gazelles, peacefully chewing at the tree branches. To the right of the trunk, a lion pounces on one of the gazelles and devours it. This mosaic has its own distinctive characteristic shade and the different shades of colors within it vary only slightly one from another.

The theme and artistic style of this mosaic, with its ostentatious stucco decorations, are exceptional in Islamic Art. Apparently, among the artists who participated in the creation of this design and the construction, were Greek and Arabic-speaking Christians, Jews and Moslems. The actual building was influenced by Islamic architecture characteristic of Iraq and Persia of the period: high arch-shaped entrances, use of small decorations with minute detail and stuccos decorations molded on plaster, as well as the style of the other mosaics discovered at this site.

Khirbat al-Mafjar probably served as a winter or spring abode for the heir of Hisham Umayyah. From the size of the complex, we can deduce that there was a large entourage present with him in the palace and that he extended a royal hospitality to guests. This important personality seems to have enjoyed the pleasures of life, amusing himself and his guests with hunting, horse-riding, song, playing musical instruments and drinking wine. All this is reflected in the drawings, decorations and mosaics at the estate.

From the array of decorations discovered at the site, the left-hand-side of the mosaic of the bath has been chosen to grace the medal. Against a pastoral background, gazelles appear underneath the branches of a tall green tree, which could be an allusion to the atmosphere that reigned in the region of Jericho at the time. Today, this splendid mosaic can be viewed at the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem.

Photography of the Mosaic: Courtesy, the Israel Antiquities Authority

Edge: Smooth with serial number.

Designer: Meir Eshel.

Engraving: USA

Mint: USA

Issue Name: Ancient Mosaics, Tree of Life

Series Name: Holy Land Ancient Mosaics

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Issue Price Issuing Year Material Quantity Weight
31875390 38.7 mm Unavailable Info 2013 Gold 9999 360 1 oz.
21875390 38.7 mm 554 NIS 2013 Silver 999 888 1 oz.