
Silver 999, 38.7 mm, 1 oz.

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Issuing Year 2012
Material Silver
Fineness 999
Weight 1 oz.
Diameter 38.7 mm
Max Mintage Unavailable Info
Design Meir Eshel

Official Medal, 2012/5772
Second in the series "Ancient Mosaics in Israel"

Maon, known today as Horvat Maon or Khirbat al-Main in Arabic, was an ancient city, situated 20km southwest of Gaza. The city developed in the fourth century during the Byzantine period, when it became the seat of the Emperor and was called "Menois". During this period, referred to in Jewish history as the Mishnaic and Talmudic Period, a Jewish Community developed there, reaching the height of its glory, in the sixth century.
In 1957, while paving a road, the remains of a Synagogue were discovered at the site. The Synagogue was divided by two rows of columns into three halls, a central hall and two side halls. The floor of the central hall was covered with a beautiful mosaic, of which only about two thirds remain. Dating from the sixth century, the mosaic is composed of 18 variations of colors, including reds, browns, greens, yellows, black, white and orange. The surface area of the mosaic measures 8.90 x 4.95 m and is bordered by a row of stylized flowers, alternately facing inwards and outwards. The center of the mosaic design consists of 55 loops, arranged in 11 horizontal rows, 5 loops in each row, giving the effect of bunches of grapes on vine branches flowing out of an amphora. Within the loops of the upper layers are Jewish symbols: in the two uppermost loops in the center column appears a Seven-Branched Candelabrum (Menorah), with a three-legged based resembling the paws of a lion. In the seven candleholders at the top of the Menorah, are burning oil lamps. Two lions flank the Menorah, each looking towards it. At the sides of the central stem of the Menorah are Etrogs (citrons), a Shofar, Lulav (palm branch) and two palmtrees with two doves, one on each side of the tree trunk. Within the remaining eight loops of the middle column are different objects – baskets of fruit, bowls, a goblet, an amphora and a bird in a cage. All the remaining loops depict animals and birds, all of which face the middle column of loops. It could be that the brilliant anonymous artist of this mosaic art carefully chose each of these motifs to express the yearning for the Temple in Jerusalem and renewed Jewish independence, on the part of the Jewish Community of Maon.

Obverse: Part of the Mosaic Floor of a 6th century CE Synagogue in Maon, southwest of Gaza, featuring the Menorah - seven-branched candelabrum with 3-legged based resembling a lion's paws, border inscription "Menorah, Maon Nirim" in Hebrew and English.

Reverse: Inscription "Ancient Mosaics of the Holy Land" in Hebrew and English, the metal weight and fineness and the Holy Land Mint Logo (the international logo of ICMC).

Edge: Smooth with serial number.

Designer: Meir Eshel.

Engraving: Switzerland.

Mint: Switzerland.

Issue Name: Ancient Mosaics, Menorah

Series Name: Holy Land Ancient Mosaics

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Issue Price Issuing Year Material Quantity Weight
31868380 38.7 mm 9986 NIS 2012 Gold 9999 360 1 oz.
21868380 38.7 mm 549 NIS 2012 Silver 999 888 1 oz.