
59.0 mm, 98 g, Bronze Tombac

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Issuing Year 1978
Material Bronze
Fineness Tombac
Weight 98 g
Diameter 59.0 mm
Max Mintage 1,964
Design Rothschild & Lipman

State Medal, 5738-1978

The "Habimah" Theaterwas established in Moscow in 1918 during the Russian Revolution by a group of Jewish youngsters devoted to the Hebrew language. Habimah pioneers proclaimed in the first paragraph of their theatre by-law: "The group is formed so it may afterwards establish the Habimah Theatre in Palestine". As the pressure within the Soviet Union against the usage of Hebrew as a language grew, the group forsook Moscow for a series of performances in Europe and the United States. It reached Palestine in 1928. The Habimah Theater was opened in Tel Aviv in 1945 at a festive ceremony and in 1958, forty years after "Habimah" was founded in Moscow, the Minister of Education and Culture bestowed on behalf of the Government, the title "The National Theater", to the "Habimah".

Obverse: Chana Rovina and the beggars, a scene from "The Dybbuk". On the rim above, the words "The Dybbuk" in Hebrew and English.

Reverse: The "Habimah" emblem. The legend "Habimah -National Theatre" in Hebrew and English. The numeral 60 and the dates "Moscow 1918-lsrael 1978".

Edge: The State emblem and the words "State of Israel" in Hebrew and English. The silver medals bear "Silver 935" in Hebrew and "Sterling" in English.

Serialization: All the medals are numbered. Bronze - numbered to 2000, 5 were not minted. Silver - numbered to 21 50, 220 were melted.

Designer: Rothschild and Lippman ("Roli").

Engraving: Kretschmer.

Mint: Kretschmer.

Issue Name: Habimah

Series Name: Literature, Music & Art

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Issue Price Issuing Year Material Quantity Weight
25071458 45.0 mm 340 IL 1978 Silver/935 1889 47 g
15071595 59.0 mm 120 IL 1978 Bronze Tombac 1964 98 g