1 Agora Bronze
17 mm, 4.4 g, Thickness 2.7 mm
Maritime vessel, styled after the ship appearing on coins issued during the reign of Herod Archelaus.
5 Agorot Bronze
19.5 mm, 6.6 g ,Thickness 3 mm
A replica of the ancient coin showing a lulav flanked by two etrogim with knops on top, border of dots.
10 Agorot Bronze
22 mm, Weight 8.8 g, Thickness 3.2 mm
A replica of the ancient coin showing a seven-branched candelabrum with a flat base.
5 New Sheqalim Copper-nickel
Edge: 12 sided rounded corners 24 mm, Weight 14.5 g, Thickness 4 mm
Capital of pillar from the time of the Kingdom of Israel
1 New Sheqel Copper-nickel
18 mm. Weight 8.5 g. Thickness 4 mm.
A coin used in Judea at the time of the Persian rule.
1/2 New Sheqel Copper-nickel
26 mm. Weight 14.5 g. Thickness 3.8 mm.
Seal belonging to Ma'adana the King's daughter (Judea).