Hanukka Coin Set, 1988 5749
This special series includes 5 legal tender cons and a special token with the legend "Hanukks Ciecitation Saf 1988" on the reverse and a Hanukka lamp depicted on the obverse. The coins were minted by the Israel Govemment Mint and distributed by the Bank The cons in this series are valued of Israel and the IGCMC.
Yhe coins in this series are valued in new sheqalim. The Hebrew year, 5749, appears with the addition of a tiny Hanukka lamp and the word "Hanukka" on the obverse in Hebrew and English.
1 Agora - Diameter 17 mm, Weight 2 g, Bronze
5 Agorot - Diameter 19.5 mm, Weight 3 g, Bronze
10 Agorot - Diameter 22 mm, Weight 4 g, Bronze
1/2 New Sheqel - Diameter 26 mm, Weight 6.5 g, Bronze
1 New Sheqel - Diameter 18 mm, Weight 4 g, Copper-nickel
Special token - Diameter 24.1 mm, Weight 6.2 g, Bronze