25 Mil, 1948

The State of Israel's First Coin

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Condition UNC (Uncirculated)
Uniqueness Standard
Issuing Year 1948
Date of Issue October-November 1948
Ceased Date September 6, 1950
Alloy Aluminum
Weight 3.40 gr
Diameter 30 mm
Nominal Value 25 Mil
Max Mintage 42,000
Obverse:Cluster of grapes; "Israel" in Hebrew and Arabic.
Origin of motif:Bar-Kochba coin (132 - 135 C.E.).
Reverse:The denomination "25 Mils" in Hebrew and Arabic; the date in Hebrew; two stylized olive branches.
Alloy:Aluminium 97%, magnesium 3%.
Date of issue:April 6, 1949.
Ceased to be legal tender:​September 6, 1950.​
Other versions known:Half link 1948, only upper/lower link and no link 1949. Considered an error.

Issue Name: The State of Israel's First Coin

Catalog SKU Nominal Value Condition Diameter Issuing Year Material Uniqueness Weight
601948025MASU 25 Mil UNC (Uncirculated) 30 mm 1948 Aluminum Standard 3.40 gr
601949025MA1U 25 Mil UNC (Uncirculated) 30 mm 1949 Aluminum Close Link 3.40 gr
601949025MA2U 25 Mil UNC (Uncirculated) 30 mm 1949 Aluminum Open Link 3.40 gr
601948025MASE 25 Mil EF (Extremely Fine) 30 mm 1948 Aluminum Standard 3.40 gr
601948025MAFE 25 Mil EF (Extremely Fine) 30 mm 1948 Aluminum Uniface 3.40 gr
601949025MA1E 25 Mil EF (Extremely Fine) 30 mm 1949 Aluminum Close Link 3.40 gr
601949025MA2E 25 Mil EF (Extremely Fine) 30 mm 1949 Aluminum Open Link 3.40 gr