Miniature Synagogue - Moscow

Pewter, 10X11X4.5 cm

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Series Type Limited Edition
Dimensions 10X11X4.5 cm
Design Eliezer Weishoff

Moscow Great Synagogue
Second In The Series Of Miniatures Of Historic Synagogues
Designed By Eliezer Weishoff

The second miniature in the series of historic synagogues honors the Great Synagogue in Moscow. Designed in the 1870's - 1880's, permission to open the building was not given until 1906 due to Anti-Semitic restrictions. Over the years the synagogue and its surrounding area became the focus of Jewish and Zionist activity.

In 1948 the Jewish community gave Israel's first ambassador, Golda Meir, a tumultuous welcome in front of the synagogue. On Simchat Torah 1958, more than 10,000 people danced in joy near the building and refused to disperse even when threatened by the Soviet police.

The synagogue became a symbol in the fight for the right of Soviet Jews to leave and emigrate to Israel. The pewter miniature design by Eliezer Welshoff faithfully reproduces this impressive building.