Torah is Light

Copper-Nickel, Standard BU, 32 mm, 14 gr

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Issuing Year 1958
Material Copper-Nickel
Fineness Copper-Nickel
Quality Standard BU
Weight 14 gr
Diameter 32 mm
Face Value 1 IL
Max Mintage 149,594
Mint Mark Unmarked
Design Zvi Narkis

Hanukka Coin 5719-1958 "Law is Light"

The Menorah chosen for the first of the Hanukka coins first appeared on the coins of Mattathias Antigonus, the last of the kings of the Hasmonean dynasty, 37-46 BCE.

Face Value in Hebrew, "1 Israeli Lira". Below, the word "Israel" in Hebrew and Arabic, the mint year 1958 and corresponding year 5719 in Hebrew characters.

A Menorah between two eight-pointed stars. The stars are similar to those appearing on Hasmonean coins in the period of Alexander Yannai. Beneath the Menorah the Hebrew inscription "Torah-Or" in accordance with the verse (Proverbs 6:23) "Commandment is a lamp and the Torah is light."


Mint Marks:
The letter "mem" does not appear on the proof coin. It is difficult to discern any difference between the proof coin and the B.U. coin.

Zvi Narkiss.

The Swiss Federal Mint, Berne.

Issue Name: Torah is Light

Series Name: Hanukka Series

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Face Value Issue Price Material Mint Mark Quantity Weight
41501324 32 mm 1 IL 2 IL Copper-Nickel Unmarked 149,594 14 gr
41502320 32 mm 1 IL 4 IL Copper-Nickel Unmarked 5,000 14 gr