Am Israel Chai

18.0 mm, 4.4 g, Gold/750

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Issuing Year 1982
Material Gold
Fineness 750
Weight 4.4 g
Diameter 18.0 mm
Design Nathan Karp

Israel lives on
State Medal, 5743-1982

A short statement of three words whose meaning is great. The people of Israel, in many respects are different from the people of other nations. These people have not always lived in their own country or on their own land and have not always spoken their own language, Hebrew. This was so because the people were dispersed in all parts of the world in some 70 countries, each one with its own language. In spite of this, the people have remained faithful to the Jewish heritage throughout the ages. Israel was the appellation of the forefather, Jacob. His twelve sons were the forerunners of the twelve tribes which settled in Israel. Israel is also the name of our people "the People of Israel", of our land "the Land of Israel" and of our Bible, "the Bible of Israel" which came forth from Zion and radiated to the whole world. After the People of Israel were expelled from its land and after 1900 years of wondering and persecution in the diaspora, the dreams of the prophets of Israel were realized, and its sons returned to their ancient homeland. Here they rebuilt a Jewish state which is also called by the name of "Israel". "Live" A unique spiritual being was granted to the People of Israel by the "eternal life" which is also known as the "Guardian of Israel", a virtue of which allowed us to resist and survive in spite of... over the generations. Great nations older than us have come and gone from the stage of history. They disappeared in spite of their strength and culture. Is it no wonder that in spite of its enemies and its detractors our small and ancient nation has remained in existence until this day. The key to the secret lies hidden in the words "The People of Israel Live" and has become a symbol, a promise and a song.

Obverse: The words "The People of Israel Lives" in art design and stylized letters. On the edge the translation of the words into English.

Reverse: The verse: "...and the bush was not consumed" -Exodos 3:2 and its translation into English. In the center is the burning bush, reminding us of the promise of G-d to Moshe our Rabbi: as the bush burns and is not consumed, so no man or nation in the world can destroy Israel.

Edge: The State emblem and the words "State of Israel" in Hebrew and in English. On the silver medals: "Silver 935" in Hebrew and "Silver" in English. The edge of the gold medals is ridged.

Serialization: All medals with smooth edges are numbered.

Designer: Nathan Karp.

Engraving: Victor Huster.

Mint: Bronze and gold - Hecht. Silver - Israel Government Mint, Jerusalem.

Issue Name: Am Israel Chai

Series Name: Congratulations

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Face Value Issue Price Material Mint Mark Quantity Weight Issuing Year
21018343 34 mm 5 IL 25 IL Silver 900, Proof Mem ("מ") 10368 25 gr x
21017347 34 mm 5 IL 13.5 IL Silver 900, Standard BU Unmarked 32356 25 gr x
35094123 12.5 mm x x Gold/750 x x 1 g 1990
35094131 13.0 mm x x Gold/900 x 6044 1.7 g 1983
35094181 18.0 mm x 2,595 IS Gold/750 x x 4.4 g 1982
25094341 34.0 mm x 680 IS Silver/935 x x 22 g 1982
45094303 30.0 mm x x Copper Nickel x x 13 g 1984