Deborah the Prophetess

Gold 917, Proof, 30 mm, 16.96 g

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Issuing Year 2023
Material Gold
Fineness 917
Quality Proof
Weight 16.96 g
Diameter 30 mm
Face Value 10 NIS
Max Mintage 555
Mint Mark Mem ("מ")
Design Yossi Lemel | Galia Erez

27th in the "Biblical Art" Commemorative Coin Series
Legal Tender issued by the Bank of Israel

One of the most remarkable biblical stories is the story of Deborah, who was a judge, a wife and mother, and one of the seven prophetesses who served the people of Israel. In addition to her spiritual role as prophetess, Deborah also fulfilled a judicial role of judge, creating a historically rare combination of roles, which are usually considered in society as more masculine. Deborah did not, however, forgo the title of "mother in Israel", which she mentions in her famous poetic song, one of the longest and most impressive songs of praise in the Scriptures, known as the "Song of Deborah".

After the conquest of the Land of Israel by Joshua, only a small number of weak Canaanites remained in the Land, but the leaders of Israel failed to recognize the danger that would result from leaving this enemy within the Land. As the years went by, the Canaanites multiplied and strengthened. Twenty years of constant attacks and bitter sufferance for the Israelites followed and it was then that Deborah arose. With her strategic thinking and firm faith in G-d, Deborah summoned Barak the son of Avinoam to gather an army of ten thousand and go to war against Sisera, the mighty general of the Canaanite army. Barak requested that Deborah accompany him to war. He then led his forces up Mount Tabor, preparing a trap for Sisera. The Canaanite General chased after them, as far as his army's heavy iron chariots would permit, to the Kishon River. Then came a divine miracle; the strong chariots of Sisera's army sunk into the mud of the Kishon Valley. Barak then descended Mount Tabor with his army and chased after Sisera, who fled for his life. Sisera was finally killed by Jael the Kenite with a tent peg, after she had put him to sleep with a cup of milk.

After their miraculous victory, the Israelites were able to live in peace, free of attack, for forty years.

Coin Description
Obverse: The Israel State Emblem, face value, word "Israel" in Hebrew, English and Arabic, the mint year and mint mark, border inscription "Deborah the Prophetess (Judges 4, 4-5)" in the three languages. Below, right, is an artistic element representing the date palm, beneath which, Deborah would sit to judge the people.
Reverse: Left, Deborah the Prophetess holds a staff and scales, symbolic of her judicial role. Right, two Israelite fighters hold shields and swords upwards, symbolizing the war between the Tribes of Israel and the army of Sisera.

Design: Yossi Lemel | Galia Erez

Issue Name: Deborah the Prophetess

Series Name: Biblical Art

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Face Value Material Mint Mark Quantity Weight Issue Price
24103300 30 mm 1 NIS Silver 925, Prooflike Star of David 1,800 14.4 g x
24103380 38.7 mm 2 NIS Silver 999, Proof Mem ("מ") 2,800 1 oz. 106$
34103140 13.92 mm 1 NIS Gold 999, Proof Mem ("מ") 5,000 1.244 g 152$
34103300 30 mm 10 NIS Gold 917, Proof Mem ("מ") 555 16.96 g 1,765$