Adam and Eve

Gold 917, Proof, 30 mm, 16.96 g

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Issuing Year 2017
Material Gold
Fineness 917
Quality Proof
Weight 16.96 g
Diameter 30 mm
Face Value 10 NIS
Max Mintage 167
Mint Mark Mem ("מ")
Design Yossi Lemel

Adam and Eve
21st in the Biblical Art Series
Legal Tender Coin issued by the Bank of Israel

God created Adam and placed him in the Garden of Eden - the Garden of Delight - the best place on earth, where pleasant trees and fruits were in abundance and there was no need to work hard. "And God said, It is not good for Man to be alone….(Genesis 2:18). "God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man....and He took from one of his ribs and He made a woman and brought her to the Man."(Genesis 2:21-22). Adam called his wife Eve and the couple lived happily together.

However, the Garden of Eden utopia was not to last long. The one limitation to their freedom was not to eat from the alluring fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil but they could not resist the temptation. The sly serpent tempted Eve into tasting the forbidden fruit and she, in turn, tempted Adam. Thus, the most significant sin of mankind was committed by the first couple created and they were banished from the Garden of Eden.

Design: Yossi Lemel

Obverse: The Face Value, Israel State Emblem, "Israel" in English, Hebrew and Arabic, Mint Year and Mint Mark, Inscription "Adam and Eve" in the three languages, decorative elements representing fig leaves

Reverse: An artistic representation of a fig leaf, incorporating the outline of a man and woman representing Adam and Eve

Issue Name: Adam and Eve

Series Name: Biblical Art

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Face Value Issue Price Material Mint Mark Quantity Weight
23039300 30 mm 1 NIS Unavailable Info Silver 925, Prooflike star of david 222 14.4 g
23039380 38.7 mm 2 NIS Unavailable Info Silver 999, Proof mem 329 1 oz.
33039140 13.92 mm 1 NIS 6499 NIS Gold 999, Proof mem 207 1.244 g
33039300 30 mm 10 NIS Unavailable Info Gold 917, Proof mem 167 16.96 g