Dona Gracia

Gold 585, 30.5 mm, 17 gr

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Issuing Year 2010
Material Gold
Fineness 585
Weight 17 gr
Diameter 30.5 mm
Max Mintage Unavailable Info
Design Michal Hamawi

State Medal, 2010/5771

Dona Gracia Mendes-Nasi or Hanna Nasi, as was her Hebrew name, was born in 1510, in Lisbon, Portugal, into a Marrano family. After being widowed in her 40s, she became one of the richest women in the world, owner of a fleet of ships and the Mendes Bank, the second largest bank in the world. Known for her part in the banking world and international trading, she was recognized even by kings.
She devoted her life towards rescuing and supporting her Marrano brethren from the claws of the Inquisition, using her international connections and wealth for the purpose. With immense courage and personal example, she, with all her family, returned to Judaism. The Ferrara Bible, the first Bible in the world to be printed in Ladino, was funded by Dona Gracia. In appreciation, the publishers dedicated the Bible to her and presented her with the first copy.
Under the Turkish Sultan, Suleiman the Magnificent, she worked energetically on behalf of the world's Jewish and Marrano communities and supported the most eminent Jewish Sages, including Rabbi Joseph Caro (author of the Code of Jewish Law). With her powerful influence she was able to gain autonomy for the Jewish people in Eretz Israel. Encouraged by the Sultan, she started building Tiberias, in an effort to renew the ancient City of the Sanhedrin and make it a home for expelled Jews. Thus, Dona Gracia paved the way for a Return to Zion.
In the year 2000, the "House of Dona Gracia" Museum was established in Tiberias, in memory of Dona Gracia-Nasi.
In honor of the 500th Anniversary of Dona Gracia, a special commemorative State Medal of Israel has been issued.

Obverse: Image of Dona Gracia looking towards Tiberias, symbolizing her determination to create a better future for the Jewish people. The Ferrara Bible, Wall of Tiberias (called the Dona Gracia Wall because it was rebuilt under her orders and inaugurated in 1568). Beside it, palmtrees characteristic of the Tiberias region, the seal of the Sultan, Suleiman the Magnificent, from whom Dona Gracia purchased authority over Tiberias and its surroundings, a ship typical of those in the fleet she owned, which sailed as far as America and India. On the ship's sails, the letters P, for Portugal, the city of her birth, and A for Antwerp, where she went, when the Inquisition began in Portugal.

Reverse: The artistic door at the entrance to the "House of Dona Gracia" Museum-Hotel in Tiberias, reminiscent of the door of Dona Gracia's palace in Istanbul from where it was brought, a verse denoting the goal of the Dona Gracia Association to foster the leadership of women in the House.

Edge: The years of Dona Gracia (1510-1569), Israel State Emblem, metal and serial number.

Designer: Michal Hamawi, under the directions of Zvi Schaick.

Engraving: USA

Mint: Silver and Bronze medals - USA., Gold medal - The Holy Land Mint

Issue Name: Dona Gracia

Series Name: Jewish Sages

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Issue Price Issuing Year Material Quantity Weight
31911310 30.5 mm 4014 NIS 2010 Gold 585 60 17 gr
21911390 39 mm 538 NIS 2010 Silver 999 500 1 oz.
11911390 39 mm 232 NIS 2010 Bronze Tombac 1510 26 gr