Le Fifre, Manet

45x36mm, 41.46g, 18k Gold Oval Medal

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Issuing Year 2007
Material Gold
Fineness 750
Weight 41.46 gr
Diameter 45x36 mm
Max Mintage 75

OVAL ART MEDAL 2007/5767
Third Medal in the Series “Music in Art”
Very Limited Edition: 75 Gold Medals Only

The third medal in this beautiful series of colorful art medals features two works by Edouard Manet: a color lithograph of Le Fifre (The Fifer) and Le Guitarrero (The Guitar Player) in relief. Prominent French painter Edouard Manet (1832 – 1883) made the transition from Realism to Impressionism. He chose contemporary subjects such as leisure activities and musicians, and was as concerned about the placement of colors on the canvas as he was about realistic representation. Le Fifre joins the violin players of Yosl Bergner and Marc Chagall which were on the previous medals in this series. The “symphony” created by these beautiful works of art is rising to a crescendo!

Obverse: A color lithograph of Le Fifre (The Fifer).

Reverse: Le Guitarrero (The Guitar Player) in relief.

Edge: Smooth.

Engraving: Tidhar Dagan.

Mint: Gold medal: The Government Mint. Silver and Bronze medals: Hecht.

Issue Name: Le Fifre - Manet

Series Name: Literature, Music & Art

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Issue Price Issuing Year Material Quantity Weight
11734750 75x60 mm 335 NIS 2007 Bronze Tombac 500 140 gr
21734600 60x48 mm 729 NIS 2007 Silver/999 250 105 gr
31734450 45x36 mm 6645 NIS 2007 Gold/750 75 41.46 gr