Sinai Campaign 10th Anniversary

45.0 mm, 47 g, Silver/935

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Issuing Year 1966
Material Silver
Fineness 935
Weight 47 g
Diameter 45.0 mm
Max Mintage 4,976
Design Zvi Narkiss

Sinai Campaign Tenth Anniversary
State Medal, 5726-1966

The State was exposed for more than two years to a steady incursion of terrorists and murderers entering from Egypt and Jordan, while Egypt closed the entrance to the Eilat Gulf. The threat to Israel took a serious turn when a military alliance pact between Egypt, Syria and Jordan was signed and huge amounts of military supplies began to flow from Czechoslovakia to Egypt to be stored in the Sinai. The nationalization of the Suez Canal set France and England against Egypt. Israel took military action "The Kadesh Campaign" on October 29, 1956. Units of Israeli Defence Forces captured most of the Sinai within a few days. Egypt's refusal to cease all military action served as an excuse for British and French intervention. A series of military mistakes as well as strong pressure exerted by the United States and the Soviet Union brought the British and French forces to a halt. Israel's military actions ended on November 5, after its forces captured the Gaza Strip and reached as far as the Straits of Tiran. United Nations pressure forced Israel to retreat from the Sinai while holding on to the achievements of the "Sinai Campaign". The defeat of the Egyptian army and the destruction of its Sinai bases, meant an end to terrorist incursions and the opening of the Gulf of Eilat to Israeli sea traffic.

Obverse: In the center, a stylized representation of a ship sailing through the Straits of Tiran, a radiant sun symbolizing peace and tranquility all around the Straits. Around the rim, above, an inscription in Hebrew and English: "Sinai Campaign - Tenth Anniversary". Over the surface, the Hebrew citation "And all her paths are peace". Around the rim, at the bottom, the English translation of the above and the source: Proverbs 3:17.

Reverse: Covering the surface, Israel Defense Forces emblem and the Hebrew inscription: "A time for war and a time for peace". Around the rim the English translation of the above the source: "Ecclesiastes 3:8".

Edge: The State emblem and the words: "State of Israel" in Hebrew and English. The silver medals bear "Sterling" in English and "Silver 935" in Hebrew.

Serialization: All medals are numerically serialized. Bronze numbered 0101 -8000. 2 have been melted. 19 have not been minted.

Designer: Zvi Narkiss.

Engraving: Kretschmer.

Mint: Kretschmer.

Issue Name: Sinai Campaign 10th Anniversary

Series Name: IDF & Israels Campaigns

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Issue Price Issuing Year Material Quantity Weight
25038450 45.0 mm 30 IL 1966 Silver/935 4976 47 g
15038597 59.0 mm 12 IL 1966 Bronze Tombac 7851 98 g