1 oz Silver Round - Walking Liberty

United States, Silver .999

In stock
As low as
11.49 per oz, over spot.
The `Spot price` is the current market price of the actual physical 1 troy ounce (31.1 gram) of Gold or Silver. The prices of precious metals products are continuously updated and thus, price displays may slightly vary. The final price is set by the spot rate at the moment of order confirmation.
QuantityBank TransferCredit Card
1 - 19
20 - 99
100 - 499
500 +
More Information
Material Silver
Fineness 999
Quality BU
Weight 1 oz.
Diameter 39 mm
Country United States

Walking Liberty

Between 1916 and 1947 the United States minted what is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful coin designs ever. Originally, the Walking Silver Liberty half dollar coin design was created by Adolph A. Weinman, who was also the designer of the popular Mercury Dime.

The revers side is a popular eagle rendition placed on numerous United States Mint silver coins, beginning in 1795 and becoming more prevalent in the mid-1800s.