
Silver 850, Prooflike, 23 mm, 7.2 gr

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Issuing Year 1983
Material Silver
Fineness 850
Quality Standard BU
Weight 7.2 gr
Diameter 23 mm
Face Value ½ NIS
Max Mintage 11044
Mint Mark Star of David
Design Dan Gelbart

Sites in the Holy Land Coin, 1983/5744

Herod, a Jew of Edomite origin, reigned as King, under Roman patronage, for 33 years from 37 B.C.E. until 4 B.C.E. He was known as "The Builder King". Some of the building projects attributed to him are the Temple in Jerusalem, the port-city of Caesarea and fortresses such as Masada and Cypros.
Herodion is the only palace which immortalizes Herod's name. It commemorates the King's decisive battle there against the last. Hasmonean King. In that battle, Herod, though showing great courage, almost perished in combat.
Herodion is at the Edge of the Judean Desert, east of Bethlehem and somewhat south of Jerusalem. Unique for its size and lavishness, it is the third largest palace to be discovered in the entire Roman world.

Obverse: The face value, 5 Sheqalim on the gold coin, 1 Sheqel on the Silver Proof coin and 1/2 Sheqel on the Silver B.U. coin. The Israel State Emblem, the word "Israel" in Hebrew, English and Arabic and mint year, 1983-5744.

Reverse: The site of Herodion as seen from an aerial photograph, showing the Judean Desert hills,with the sun overhead. The word "Herodion" in Hebrew and English.

Edge: 12 smooth Edges on the B.U. coin, 12 milled on the proof silver and gold coins.

Mint Marks: Obverse of B.U. coin - Star of David., Obverse of the proof coins both silver and gold - the Hebrew letter "Mem".

Designer: Dan Gelbart

Mint: Mint of Munich

Issue Name: Herodion

Series Name: Holy Land Sites - Commemorative Coin

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Face Value Issue Price Material Mint Mark Quantity Weight
32548220 22 mm 5 NIS 12000 IS Gold 900, Proof Mem ("מ") 4346 8.63 gr
22547303 30 mm 1 NIS 1300 IS Silver 850, Proof Mem ("מ") 10372 14.4 gr
22546234 23 mm 0.5 NIS 600 IS Silver 850, Standard BU Star of David 11044 7.2 gr