Israel's 60th Anniversary

Silver 925, Prooflike, 30 mm, 14.4 g

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Issuing Year 2008
Material Silver
Fineness 925
Quality Prooflike
Weight 14.4 g
Diameter 30 mm
Face Value 1 NIS
Max Mintage 1800
Mint Mark Star of David
Design Ruben Nutels

Independence Day Coin 2008/5768
Legal Tender Issued by the Bank of Israel

This beautiful coin, issued by the Bank of Israel to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the State of Israel, radiates pride, joy and optimism. Pride and joy for the country's impressive achievements in such a short period of only 60 years of existence and optimism as we look towards the future, with expectations of peace and prosperity.

In 2010, the Israel 60th Anniversary Coin won the title "Best Contemporary Event" Coin in the international "Coin of the Year" Contest organized by the American Krause Publications.

Face value in Hebrew and English, Israel State Emblem, "Israel" in English, Hebrew and Arabic and an olive branch below the face value; inscription "Independence Day 2008" in Hebrew and English.

An artistiic rendering of the figure 60 - Left, the "6" consists of curved lines reaching upwards towards the heavens, right the "0" is formed by the shape of a pomegranate with a royal crown, symbolizing fruitfulness and prosperity. Within the zero is a dove with olive branch, symbolizing our aspirations for peace, border inscription "Israel's 60th Anniversary" in Hebrew, English and Arabic. The artist's skillful use of shiny and frosted finishes greatly enhances the design and emphasizes each element.

Silver Prooflike Coin: Smooth
Silver Proof and Gold Coin: Milled

Mint Marks:
Silver Prooflike Coin – Star of David
Silver Proof and Gold Coin – Hebrew letter "Mem"

Ruben Nutels

Plaster Models: Tidhar Dagan / Mint of Finland  

Dies: Mint of Finland

Mint: Mint of Finland

Issue Name: Israel's 60th Anniversary

Series Name: Israel Independence Day

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Face Value Issue Price Material Mint Mark Quantity Weight
31828300 30 mm 10 NIS 3,350 NIS Gold 916, Proof Mem ("מ") 444 16.96 g
21828380 38.7 mm 2 NIS 349 NIS Silver 925, Proof Mem ("מ") 1800 28.8 g
21828300 30 mm 1 NIS 229 NIS Silver 925, Prooflike Star of David 1800 14.4 g