Bank Leumi Le - Israel

Bronze, 59 mm, 98g

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Issuing Year 1977
Material Bronze
Fineness Tombac
Quality 0
Weight 98 g
Diameter 59 mm
Max Mintage 30,000
Design Ya'akov Anidi

Bank Leumi Le-Israel
Official Award Medal, 5737-1977

Bank Leumi, which in 1977 had 350 branches in Israel and abroad, is a successor to the Zionist "Anglo- Palestine Company" founded in 1902 which was known as APEC. The main function of APEC was to provide financial aid for the development of Palestine. When the State of Israel was established the bank served as a financial arm to the newly formed state. The provisional government signed an agreement with the bank entrusting it with the issuance of the national currency. The bank acted as the official banking agency for the government until the Bank of Israel was established in 1954.

Description of the medal

Obverse: The 75th Anniversary emblem, the dates being: 5662-5732, 1902-1972. An inscription: "Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M." in Hebrew and English.

Reverse: The verse: "Thy faithful house and country" (taken from Samuel II, 7:16) in Hebrew and English. On the left, an old 10 mil coin symbolizing the history of the bank, entwined with a computer reel and magnetic ribbon, the symbols of the future.

Edge: The word "Israel" in Hebrew and English. The silver medals bear "Silver 935" in Hebrew and "Silver" in English.

Serialization: All the medals have been numbered.

Bronze-31486 have been numbered, 1486 have been melted.

Designer: Ya'akov Anidi.

Engraving: Moshe Nov.

Mint: Bronze Hecht.

Silver - Government Mint, Jerusalem.

The medal was issued exclusively for Bank Leumi.

Issue Name: Bank Leumi Le - Israel

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Issue Price Issuing Year Material Quantity Weight
15913593 59 mm NFS 1977 Bronze 30,000 98 g
25913375 37mm NFS 1977 Silver 935 3,498 26g