100th Anniversary of the Birth of David Ben-Gurion

70mm Bronze

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Issuing Year 1986
Material Bronze
Fineness Tombac
Weight 140 gr
Diameter 70.0 mm
Max Mintage 5,080
Design Duda Idelstein, Assaf Berg

David Ben-Gurion Centennial 1886-1986
State Medal, 5747 - 1986

David Ben-Gurion was one of the outstanding leaders of the pre-State Jewish settlers in the Land of Israel. He was head of the Zionist movement in the 1930's and, by virtue of his strong-willed character, demanded and later proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel and assumed the role of Prime Minister and national commander-in-chief during the crucial years of the War of Independence and struggle for revival and existence.
Born in Plonsk, Poland, in 1886, into a Zionist family, he emigrated to the Land of Israel at the age of 20 as a young zionistic socialist, becoming involved in agricultural work and labor affairs. He studied law in order to prepare himself for national leadership. About the age of 30, he was banished from the Land of Israel by the Turks and mobilized a battalion of Jewish fighters in the United States, prepared to fight with the allies towards the conquest of Palestine. He returned to the Land of Israel as a member of one of the legions.
Following his return, he took part in the setting-up of the Workers' Organization, for which he acted as Secretary-General, and became Chairman of the Labor Party. From 1935, until the establishment of the State, he served as Chairman of the Jewish Agency, dealt with matters concerning state policies and security and stood at the head of those in favor of an agreement regarding division of the country into two states, in the wake of which, he proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel on 5 lyar 5708 (14 May 1948).
Ben-Gurion's personality shaped the image of the State of Israel. He paid particular attention to gathering Jews from the Diaspora and their absorption in Israel, the IDF, State education, democracy, external relations and security, as part of a quest for peace. In 1953, he withdrew from the government and lived for about two years at Sde Boker in the Negev desert. After further withdrawal in 1963, he settled permanently in Sde Boker. In 1970, he finally resigned from the Knesset, retired from political life and dedicated himself to writing. He died at the age of 87 and was buried in Sde Boker beside his wife Paula.

Obverse: Sculptured portrait of David Ben-Gurion and the words: "David Ben-Gurion Centennial 1886-1986" in Hebrew and English.

Reverse: The emblem of the State of Israel, the scroll of Independence blended with the seven-branched Menorah. the words "We hereby declare the establishment of a Jewish State in the Land of Israel to be known as the State of Israel" in Hebrew and English and the signature of Ben-Gurion.

Edge: Emblem of the state of Israel, words "State of Israel" in Hebrew and English and the metal content of the gold and silver medals.

Designer: Sculptured portrait - Duda Idelstein (writing - T.Dagan). Reverse - Assaf Berg.

Mint: Gold and silver medals - The government Mint, Jerusalem. Bronze medal - Hecht.

Issue Name: 100th Anniversary of the Birth of David Ben-Gurion

Series Name: Made their Mark

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Issue Price Issuing Year Material Quantity Weight
35124350 35 mm 1,250 NIS 1986 Gold 984 30 gr
35124229 22.0 mm 185 NIS 1986 Gold/585 1500 7 gr
25124374 37.0 mm 39 NIS 1986 Silver/935 2400 26 gr
15124704 70.0 mm 11 NIS 1986 Bronze Tombac 5080 140 gr