
59.0 mm, 98 g, Bronze Tombac

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Issuing Year 1984
Material Bronze
Fineness Tombac
Weight 98 g
Diameter 59.0 mm
Design Yaakov Zim, Yaacov Enyedi


Bethlehem is in Judea, about five miles south of Jerusalem. The city is considered holy by both Jews and Christians. It is the birthplace and the burial place of the matriarch Rachel. Another well-known Old Testament name associated with Bethlehem is Ruth, who married Boaz in Bethlehem. The New Testament mentioned Jesus as being a descendant of King David and tells of his birth in Bethlehem. This has increased the sanctity of the city to Christians who have made it a center for pilgrimages over the centuries. One of the holiest places to Christians is the Church of the Nativity, which is built over the cave where, according to tradition, Jesus was born

Obverse: A panoramic view of the city of Bethlehem with her typical spires. The name "Bethlehem" in Hebrew and English.

Reverse: David the Shepherd playing the harp. The verse in Hebrew and English: "Out of you shall come forth a ruler in Israel" (Micah 5:1).

Edge: Milled; Silver and Bronze medals: the emblem of the State of Israel in Hebrew and English and the serial number.

Serialization: All the medals are numbered.

Designer: Obverse - Jacob Zim. Reverse - Jacob Anidi

Engraving: Tidhar Dagan

Mint: Gold and Bronze - Moshe Hecht Silver - The Government Mint, Jerusalem.

Issue Name: Bethlehem

Series Name: Jerusalem Themed

Catalog SKU Condition Diameter Issue Price Issuing Year Material Quantity Weight
35081188 18.0 mm 51,490 IS 1984 Gold/750 482 4.4 g
25081372 37.0 mm 17,780 IS 1984 Silver/935 x 26 g
15081590 59.0 mm 3,860 IS 1984 Bronze Tombac x 98 g