Jericho - sculpted bronze medal, Eliezer Weishoff

Bronze, 130 mm

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Issuing Year 2004
Material Bronze
Diameter 130 mm
Design Eliezer Weishoff

Sculpted bronze medal - Jericho
Eliezer Weishoff

After the death of Moses, G-d chose Joshua as leader of the People of Israel. Joshua's role was to conquer the Land of Canaan from the seven peoples who dwelt therein. The first conquest was totally miraculous and followed the chain of miracles that the people had experienced since the Exodus from Egypt. The conquest of Jericho was a sign that G-d was accompanying them throughout their wars. The walled and heavily fortified City of Jericho was the first to fall into the hands of the Israelites. G-d commanded the people through Joshua, to surround the city once a day for six days. Seven Priests carried the Holy Ark and each held a Shofar. On the seventh day, the city was encircled seven times. On the seventh circuit, the Priests blew the Shofars and the people shouted and the Walls of Jericho came tumbling down, as depicted on the medal.

