
Silver 925, Proof, 38.7 mm, 28.8 g

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106,00 $
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Ausgabejahr 1999
Material Silber
Feinheit 925
Qualität Proof
Gewicht 28.8 g
Durchmesser 38.7 mm
Nennwert 2 NIS
Maximale Auflage 4092
Münzzeichen Davidstern
Design Ruben Nutels

Israel among the Nations Series

One of the most exalted ideas bestowed upon mankind by the Prophets of Israel is expressed by the simple lines of this coin: love of peace and disarmament among nations. The Prophet Isaiah prophesized: ". . . For out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And He shall judge between the nations and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." (Isaiah 2:1-4). The prophetic vision serves as the source of law and justice, democracy, tolerance and equality.

Obverse: Israel State Emblem to the left on the matte background, below, an olive branch, face value in Hebrew and English to the right on the shiny side, "Israel" in English, Hebrew and Arabic and the mint year

Reverse: The number "2000" comprised of the digit "2" in the shape of a dove on a matte background above an olive branch, with the three zeros on the shiny side to the right. The word YEAR is inscribed above the zeros. The biblical verse from the Book of Isaiah 2:4, "AND THEY SHALL BEAT THEIR SWORDS INTO PLOWSHARES" is inscribed below in English and above in Hebrew.

Silver Prooflike Coin: Smooth
Silver Proof and Gold Coin: Milled

Mint Marks:
Silver Prooflike Coin – Star of David
Silver Proof and Gold Coin – Hebrew letter "mem" below the face value

Designer: Ruben Nutels

Dies: Dutch Mint (produced by digital scanning, without preparation and use of a plaster model)

Mint: Dutch Mint

Name der Ausgabe: Jahr 2000 - Das Millennium

Name der Serie: Non Serialized

Katalog SKU tbl_condition Durchmesser Nennwert Ausgabepreis Material Münzzeichen Menge Gewicht
21221380 38.7 mm 2 NIS 158 NIS Silver 925, Proof star of david 4092 28.8 g
21221300 30 mm 1 NIS 94 NIS Silver 925, Prooflike mem 4629 14.4 g
31221300 30 mm 10 NIS 1,592 NIS Gold 916, Proof Mem ("מ") 1,859 16.96 g