Shmuel Yosef Shay Agnon

Silver 925, Proof, 38.7 mm, 28.8 g

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Ausgabejahr 2008
Material Silber
Feinheit 925
Qualität Proof
Gewicht 28.8 g
Durchmesser 38.7 mm
Nennwert 2 NIS
Maximale Auflage 666
Münzzeichen Mem ("מ")
Design Meir Eshel, Igal Gabay

Smuel Yosef Agnon 2008/5768
1st in the Israel Noble Prize Laureates Coin Series
Legal Tender Issued by the Bank of Israel

A new series of coins honoring the Israeli Nobel Prize Laureates began during Israel’s 60th anniversary year. The Nobel Prize is awarded to those who have contributed to mankind in various fields of endeavor and Shmuel Yosef Agnon, one of the greatest Jewish authors, was the first Israeli to win the prestigious award.

Born as Shmuel Yosef Czaczkes in Galicia in 1887, he immigrated to Israel in 1908. He published his first literary work "Agunot" (Forsaken Wives) under the pen name "Agnon" which later he adopted as his official surname.

Agnon developed a unique literary style, incorporating quotations from the Scriptures and Jewish Sages into the daily routine and pace of the modern world. His writing is characterized by the irony of double meanings, depictions of Eastern European Jewish traditions and the pioneering spirit of modern Israel. His works have been translated into numerous languages.

Agnon was the two-time recipient of both the Bialik Prize and the Israel Prize, and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1966. Agnon passed away in Jerusalem in 1970. After his death, many of his literary works continued to be published by his daughter Emunah Yaron.

Obverse: Face value in Hebrew and English, Israel State Emblem. Around the right-hand border, "Israel" in English, Hebrew and Arabic, mint year. Center, silhouette of a standing Agnon wearing his typical hat.

Reverse: Portrait of Agnon immersed in literary thought, border inscription "S.Y. Agnon – Nobel Prize in Literature 1966" in Hebrew and English.

Edge: Silver Prooflike Coin: Smooth, Silver Proof and Gold Coin: Milled

Mint Marks: Silver Prooflike Coin – Star of David, Silver Proof and Gold Coin – Hebrew letter "mem" below the face value

Designer: Reverse Design – Igal Gabay, Obverse Design – Meir Eshel

Plaster Models and Dies: Tidhar Dagan

Mint: Israel Government Coins and Medals Corporation

Name der Ausgabe: Shmuel Yosef Shay Agnon

Name der Serie: Israelische Nobelpreisträger

Katalog SKU tbl_condition Durchmesser Nennwert Ausgabepreis Material Münzzeichen Menge Gewicht
31786300 30 mm 10 NIS 3350 NIS Gold 916, Proof mem 322 16.96 g
21786380 38.7 mm 2 NIS 329 NIS Silver 925, Proof mem 666 28.8 g
21786300 30 mm 1 NIS 219 NIS Silver 925, Prooflike star of david 666 14.4 g