David with Harp

Gold 9999, 38.7 mm, 1 oz.

المزيد من المعلومات
سنة الاصدار 2012
معدن ذهب
درجة النقاء 9999
وزن 1 oz.
قطر 38.7 mm
الحد الأقصى لسك العملة 360
تصميم Meir Eshel

Official Medal, 2012/5772
Mosaic from a Synagogue in Gaza.

Israel Coins and Medals Corp. has undertaken the important task of commemorating 8 of the impressive ancient mosaics found in the Land of Israel, on Gold and Silver Art Medals.
We are now proud to present the first in a series of alluring medals, first in the world to highlight these exceptionally ancient mosaics.
Antiquities Authority and has been reproduces on a medal by an innovative technique with use of color and texture.

The medals have been struck in fine Gold .9999 and Silver .999, each weighing one Troy Oz. (31.1 grams). One Gold Medal in the Series will be offered every three months, until the Series is complete. A new Silver Medal will be offered each month.
Over 40 years ago, a beautiful 6th century Mosaic floor was discovered on the seashore of Gaza, south of the present port area. In 1976, when the area of archeological excavations was enlarged, this mosaic floor was found to have been the only remaining part of an ancient Synagogue, and only part of the mosaic had survived. The remains discovered are witness of a large building constructed from east to west, with a central hall and two side halls on each side, a total of 5 long halls.
This was exceptional in comparison to other Synagogues of the same period, discovered in the Land of Israel, all of which attest to a flourishing Jewish community at the time.
Israel uncovered mosaics dating to the second century BCE, while expansion of Greek culture - Hellenistic. During the Byzantine period, the Christians forbade Jews from synagogues decorate the outside.

The halls were separated one from another by rows of columns. Within the fragment of the Mosaic that remained at the western edge of the hall, a figure clothed in royal attire of the time, playing a harp, was discovered.

Above the figure, was a Hebrew inscription ''David''. The artist probably referred to King David, the poet and harp-player. Beside the figure of David, was a young lion, symbol of Judah, giraffe and snake, all seemingly listening to David's melody.

Obverse: Part of the Mosaic Floor of a 6th century CE Synagogue in Gaza, showing David playing his harp, the name "David" in ancient Hebrew script and border inscription "David with Harp, Gaza" in English and "David playing (the harp), Gaza" in Hebrew.

Reverse: Inscription "Ancient Mosaics of the Holy Land" in Hebrew and English, the metal weight and fineness and the Holy Land Mint Logo (the international logo of ICMC).

Edge: Smooth with serial number.

Designer: Meir Eshel.

Engraving: Switzerland.

Mint: Switzerland.

اسم الاصدار: دافيد يعزف الموسيقى - الفسيفساء القديمة

اسم السلسلة: فسيفساء قديمة في اسرائيل

رقم الكتلوج tbl_condition قطر سعر الاصدار سنة الاصدار معدن كمية وزن
31869380 38.7 mm 8842 NIS 2012 Gold 9999 360 1 oz.
21869380 38.7 mm 549 NIS 2012 Silver 999 888 1 oz.